For many businesses, maintaining a high level of client satisfaction is a considerable task.
One approach to addressing this difficulty is to establish and enforce a customer satisfaction
code of conduct. A customer satisfaction code of conduct includes promises and related
provisions that address issues such as product and service delivery, product returns, customer
personal information handling, advertising, and stipulations regarding specific product and
service attributes or performance. A code of conduct for customer satisfaction might be part
of a successful strategy for complaint management.
This provides recommendations to help a company determine if the provisions of its
customer satisfaction code fulfil customer wants and expectations and whether the code is
accurate and not misleading. Its use can: improve fair trade practices and customer
confidence in the organization; improve customer understanding of what to expect from the
organization in terms of its products and services and customer relations, reducing the
likelihood of misunderstandings and complaints; and potentially reduce the need for new
regulations governing the organization's behaviour toward its customers. The objective of this
article is to enhance the pleasure of individuals or organizations that may or may not receive
a product or service from a public or private entity.