ISO 20121: 2012
Event Sustainability Management System

ISO 20121: 2012
Event Sustainability Management System

ISO 20121

This international standard establishes the requirements for an event sustainability management system for any type of event or event-related activity and gives information on how to meet those standards. It has been created to handle the management of sustainability throughout the full event management cycle. This standard is designed to be used flexibly, allowing companies that have not explicitly addressed sustainable development to begin implementing an event sustainability management system.

Organizations with current management systems will be able to incorporate the requirements of this international standard into their existing systems. Every firm will profit from the practice of continuous development over time.

ISO 20121

This international standard establishes the requirements for an event sustainability management system for any type of event or event-related activity and gives information on how to meet those standards. It has been created to handle the management of sustainability throughout the full event management cycle. This standard is designed to be used flexibly, allowing companies that have not explicitly addressed sustainable development to begin implementing an event sustainability management system.

Organizations with current management systems will be able to incorporate the requirements of this international standard into their existing systems. Every firm will profit from the practice of continuous development over time.

The Benefits of 20121:

The Benefits of 20121:

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